Friday, May 29, 2009

Friends and Family

Where would we be without our friends and our family? Mostly alone right? Outside of my immediate family, I am fortunate to have a unique set of friends. I got freelance writing friends, fishing friends, co-working friends, casual friends, close friends, and even the occasional family friend.

I am not sure if you can legally name your 'best' friend your BEST friend or even label a friend a 'best' friend. Who else are you going to call on in times of trouble except for a friend?

Not every one of my friends possess the qualities that will cover every situation that I manage to get myself into..and my record stands for itself when it comes to situations like these:

* Bass boats and broken ribs
* deer hunting, game wardens, community service, and God Almighty
* deer blinds, wasps, and woodpeckers

I guess the best kind of friend is one that will laugh with you and at you, at the same time. can't take yourself too serious, why should you, no one else does.

Besides, it's not all about you anyway.

I mean look at yourself, what's up with that hair? Do you have a mirror in the house? You could at least clean up before you come into my blog...good grief already.

Friend quality has to consist of at least but not limited to: humor, honesty, compassion, commmon interests, and a short memory. Well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad. That's what usually bites me first, the ability of my friends to remember those times you wish were never recorded in any shape, form, or fashion.

In defense of those 'memories', I plead guilty. Generally most of those that might have left a mark or two, ended with smiles all around and overall enjoyment by those not involved.

Why do people enjoy other folks misery so much?

We thrive on the mishaps of others and wonder how they made it this far and not being sidelined from the game of life. Reckon that's why we watch those TV shows of funny videos and bloopers.

After all, we are all of the same tribe. The human tribe. Some a little more advanced than others. Some just happy as they can be right where they are in life and couldn't care less or more about what is about to happen next simply because they don't know any better.

You hang in there Buttercup but realize that help ain't coming.



  1. It does a body good to look up and see the faces of three of my favorite people. Laurie & jess beside me and your mug below us. Enjoyed the post.

  2. "I mean look at yourself, what's up with that hair? Do you have a mirror in the house? You could at least clean up before you come into my blog...good grief already."

    Haaaa! Classic, Mr. Chambers, classic.

    May I offer this, though, my friend- Help is indeed coming. In fact, it is already here. John 3:16, bro.

    Great stuff, Jake! Thanks!

