Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life at the Front

You never quite know what circumstances will occur to bring an individuals character to the surface and then when an incident does make its appearance, you may stop and ask yourself....

"How would you have handled that if it had been the Front?"

William Guillory was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He served our nation for 3.5 years while reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant in the Air Force. After which he enrolled in college and secured a degree in mechanical engineering. He came to the Golden Triangle area in 1972 where he worked the area refineries for 24 years.

But something was just not right with his understanding of mathematics and the way the world was unfolding around him.

I am told that the motivation that drives Mr. Guillory comes from the fact that a large percentage of the young black males enrolled in school in the ninth grade will not make it to their senior year of high school.

He wants to make a difference wherever he possibly can.

The numbers he quoted me for both male and female students that would drop out was staggering...but the look in his eyes was enough for me to begin to understand the driving force inside him.

It was earlier this spring while preparing his ninth grade classes for the mandated TAKS testing that his moral fiber was pushed to its tensile strength.

Seems there was a difference of opinion between two female classmates of whom both favored the attention of the same male student, and the discussion was brought into Mr. Guillory's class...which to say the least; turned physical in the blink of an eye.

With an obvious difference in the 'weight-class' of the two contestants, a decision was made to keep the smaller girl from being pummeled. It was during the second attempt to separate the girls that Mr. Guillory received his 'medal' for valor.

The rotator cuff injury would sideline Mr.Guillory for the rest of the season.

What is wrong with this picture? Where do students of today get off thinking that this type of behavior is acceptable?

Mr. Guillory told me that when he returned to his classroom to pick up his things, the substitute teacher had recorded failing grades for the student that was the center of attention that fateful day back in April.

Another statistic? You do the math...

Mr. Guillory will teach his last year of high school math this coming year. Next year he will retire from the 10+year career he truly gave of himself to.

Did I mention to you that his three children all received degrees in other fields, BUT ended up changing over to the rewarding career of teaching themselves?

Imagine that....kinda makes you go hmmmmm doesn't it?

Way to go can retire to Waco next year....and get yourself away from hurricane alley.

Port Arthur Memorial High School will surely miss you and your passion for teaching. May God bless you as only He can.

Thanks for caring.


  1. Oh wow what a great, well written article. What a wonderful "human interest" story. What a great guy. I think this definitely belong in the Enterprise. What are you waiting for? E-mail that Opinion Guy.

    Hey it would have been nice if you had a picture of Mr. G. I'll bet you have one on your cell phone. Great going and congratulations on this post.

  2. As a former teacher (and one who doesn't want to return b/c of the attitude of most kids today) I have to hand it to your friend. I hope is last year of teaching is his best!
